Erica Elliot

Erica is an Accredited Hand Therapist, as awarded by the Australian Hand Therapy Association. She graduated Occupational Therapy at the University of South Australia and completed her Masters of Health Science degree through Monash University. She has over 20 years' experience as an Occupational Therapist, with over 17 years working in hand therapy in both Australia and overseas. Erica joined the AHTA in 2006 as an associate and has been a full member of the AHTA since 2013. She has worked primarily in the public service (SA Health and the National Health Service, UK) working in Adelaide at both the Royal Adelaide Hospital (RAH) and as hand therapy team leader at Flinders Medical Centre. She has also worked in the Burns Unit at the RAH.
Erica is passionate about evidenced-based care and has presented several free papers at national AHTA conferences and locally at the South Australian Hand Surgeon Society annual meetings. Erica has been co-author of a journal article in the peer-reviewed Journal of Hand Therapy, and was an invited speaker at the 2016 AHTA national conference in Sydney. Erica has previously taught the post-graduate Occupational Therapy splinting workshops at Flinders University and scar management workshops at the University of South Australia for undergraduate students.
Erica has a particular interest in managing major trauma and post-surgical conditions, including tendon repairs, fractures, scar management including burns, and joint replacements.